August 23, 2017 — 15:37

Author: silver  Category: linux  Comments: Off

Remote upgrade using aptitude:

  1. echo “defscrollback 10000” >>/root/.screenrc
  2. screen
  3. /etc/sysctl.conf:
    # on kernel panic reboot after 60s
    kernel.panic = 600
    # enable magic sysrq key
  4. In /etc/apt/sources.list: change old to new dist (or “stable” etc)
    ( if needed: apt-get install debian-archive-keyring )
  5. aptitude update
  6. aptitude safe-upgrade
    ( optionally/if needed: full-upgrade, dist-upgrade )

Change default editor:

sudo update-alternatives --config editor

Install build tools:

apt-get install build-essential

pkg install dates:

for file_list in `ls -rt /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list`; do \
  stat_result=$(stat --format=%y &quot;$file_list&quot;); \
  printf &quot;%-50s %s\n&quot; $(basename $file_list .list) &quot;$stat_result&quot;; \


apt-get -t stretch-backports install “package”
aptitude -t stretch-backports install “package”


Package: *
Pin: release a=stable
Pin-Priority: 900

Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian
Pin-Priority: -10

“testing” packages:

install a pkg from testing:
sudo apt-get -t testing install tmux
show all testing pkgs:
aptitude search -F "%p %V %v" '?narrow(~i, ~Atesting)
( stable, unstable, oldstable, etc )

apt-get install package=version

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