Blog & Notes about OSS, OSes, devops, virtualization, programming (hobby) projects, security and tech news
Most recently published: "VMware alternatives" (57 days ago)
2021-01-22 vnStat2015-05-02 Editing with vi
2015-05-02 FreeBSD
2014-01-20 SSH
2024-07-12 Packages and CI/CD2023-10-27 Xpath
2022-05-07 GitLab CI
2022-05-05 DevOps
2021-07-16 Editing code & config
2020-10-30 NodeJS
2020-04-03 BATS
2020-02-14 Scoop
2019-07-09 PowerShell
2019-05-30 Vim linting
2018-12-08 C
2018-03-30 Python 3
2018-03-30 Perl
2019-12-11 Password Managers2016-11-26 Windows Disk Encryption
2016-11-26 Linux Disk Encryption
2016-11-25 EncFS
2016-11-25 OpenVPN AS
2016-11-25 OpenSSL
2016-11-25 File Encryption
2016-11-25 CryFS
2012-03-13 Windows 7 Backup and TrueCrypt
2012-03-12 eCryptfs
2021-03-26 IPMI2018-03-28 Updating CPU Microcode
2016-12-09 HP ProLiant
2012-03-31 Hibernate
2012-03-19 Wipe SSD/HDD
2012-03-13 Enable AHCI on ASUS P5 EPU/SE
2022-05-07 GitLab CI2022-05-05 DevOps
2021-03-26 IPMI
2021-02-05 Chroot SSH
2021-01-22 Partitions
2021-01-22 vnStat
2020-04-03 BATS
2019-12-16 ClamAV
2019-12-11 Password Managers
2019-12-11 nftables
2019-09-06 mergerfs
2019-07-09 PowerShell
2019-05-30 Cgroups and NS
2019-05-30 Vim linting
2018-12-08 Zonemaster
2018-03-30 GNU find
2018-03-28 Updating CPU Microcode
2017-11-25 Magic SysRq Key
2017-11-25 GoAccess
2017-08-23 perf
2017-08-23 Debian
2017-03-04 ping
2017-03-04 Linux Audit
2016-12-09 HP ProLiant
2016-11-26 gnome-keyring
2016-11-26 Sendmail with attachment
2016-11-26 Display man pages as text
2016-11-26 Linux Disk Encryption
2016-11-26 Reverse shells
2016-11-25 EncFS
2016-11-25 OpenVPN AS
2016-11-25 OpenSSL
2016-11-25 File Encryption
2016-11-25 CryFS
2016-11-25 Serial console
2016-11-25 Git
2015-05-02 Editing with vi
2015-05-02 Speedtest
2014-10-14 MySQL
2014-07-09 LVM
2014-01-21 GPG
2014-01-21 Shred
2014-01-21 CentOS epel
2014-01-20 Recursive diff
2014-01-20 Device info
2014-01-20 Virtuozzo
2014-01-20 SSH
2014-01-20 Rsync
2014-01-20 Rename user
2014-01-20 GNU Screen
2012-03-31 Hibernate
2012-03-19 Wipe SSD/HDD
2012-03-17 Conky System Monitor
2012-03-12 eCryptfs
2021-05-28 NetBox2019-12-11 Private ranges
2019-12-11 nftables
2018-03-28 Windows IPv6 tunnel
2016-11-27 iproute2
2012-09-05 Cisco
2020-02-14 Move iPhone cursor2018-05-05 Places to donate to
2016-11-26 SPF, DKIM and DMARC
2022-09-02 VMware vSAN2019-09-06 mergerfs
2015-03-21 ZFS
2014-07-09 LVM
2024-12-23 VMware alternatives2022-09-02 VMware vSAN
2019-12-16 Paste in VMware VM
2017-12-03 VZ CT Debian 7 – 8
2016-11-27 VirtualBox
2014-07-25 VMware
2014-01-20 Virtuozzo
2023-10-27 Xpath2021-05-28 NetBox
2020-04-03 FreshRSS
2017-11-25 GoAccess
2016-11-25 WP-CLI
2012-03-13 WP without (s)ftp/ssh
2021-03-26 IPMI2021-01-22 Partitions
2020-02-14 Scoop
2019-12-11 Password Managers
2019-07-09 PowerShell
2018-12-08 Chocolatey
2018-03-30 GNU find
2018-03-28 Updating CPU Microcode
2018-03-28 Windows IPv6 tunnel
2017-08-23 Windows 10 Licensing
2017-08-23 Windows Uptime
2017-03-04 Anti-Malware Software
2017-03-03 Start program if not running
2017-01-21 Windows SSH Clients
2016-12-10 Windows 2012 Core
2016-11-26 Windows Disk Encryption
2016-11-25 Compile PuTTY under Cygwin
2015-05-02 Deleting songs in iTunes
2014-10-14 MySQL
2014-01-21 Windows 32 or 64 bit executable
2014-01-21 Windows add to “Send To”
2014-01-21 PuTTY Window Colours
2014-01-20 Robocopy
2012-06-22 For loop Windows cmdline
2012-03-19 Wipe SSD/HDD
2012-03-17 Quickly enable/disable screensaver
2012-03-13 Windows 7 Backup and TrueCrypt
2012-03-13 Enable AHCI on ASUS P5 EPU/SE
2012-03-13 Fix a broken Symantec SEP install